Approach To Life Coaching

Approach to life coaching


Ben Wood 200000

Have you ever wondered how people that have been involved in some kind of life coaching actually think? Their approach to life must be so different simply because they are the only qualified people in the world that can make us ‘feel better’. In this article we are going to discuss just a few factors to consider when trying working this out and by the end it should be a lot clearer.


Judging The everyday person makes a considerable amount of judgements per day. This can be towards anything to do with work or a particular person. Judgement doesn’t necessarily have to be bad but still, it is a judgement. Life coaching teaches people not judge but to analyse instead. If they notice that they start to judge they simply take a step back and re-start their observation. Acknowledging and actually doing this is not as easy as you think. It takes a lot of internal power to turn off the normal way of thinking and adjust to the life coaching manner. Managing expectations In today’s world, if we don’t achieve something we start thinking that we have failed. A coach or an NLP practitioner will let go of those expectations and stop trying to constantly have an achievement to aim for. Coaches tend to tone this down and after a while realise that they have achieved more than ever by simply adopting a structured approach. Applying detail Attention to detail is of upmost importance in life coaching. In virtually every scenario, there a number of sides, aspects and factors to consider to get an overall picture of the situation and the potential remedy. Untrained people tend to be slightly short sighted and provide a solution to half of the scenario rather than the whole scene. This usually leads to taking sides. Rather than filling in the blanks with our own inexperience a trained life coaching mind will stop themselves from doing so by analysing the situation in detail and slowly start to build a foundation. Use all senses Rather than just visually and audibly analysing a situation coaches and NLP practitioners are trained to use all the remaining senses to their advantage. Believe it or not, this includes smell and taste which is required to gather the ‘feeling’ of the situation a lot easier. It is only then that they can take command of the situation/problem and lead the ‘student’ towards the right path.

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Social Security Trust Fund Crisis Is A Myth


Recently, the Social Security and Medicare Trustees presented their annual report at the Treasury Department in Washington which offered forecasts for the health of the government’s two largest benefits programs, including Social Security and Medicare. In that conference, it was noted that Social Security is laboring under the weight of retiring baby boomers and revenue shortfalls.

Social Security is split into two funds — one for retirement and survivor benefits, and one for disability. Some analysts suggest that the retirement fund is projected to run out of money in 2035 while the disability fund is projected to run dry in 2016. Combined, the two funds will last until 2033.


It should be noted that the rise in Social Security claims has been anticipated for years, would meet the current and future demands of the Disability Trust Fund.

In addition, the Trustees project that Social Security benefits will increase next year, though the increase could be small. They project a cost-of-living-adjustment, or COLA, of 1.8 percent for 2013; the actual amount won’t be known until percent increase this year, the first after two years without one.

The reality is that Social Security’s retirement and disability programs currently have funds sufficient to cover benefits for the next 20 years and our government is quite functional in the operation of these programs. Millions of people regularly receive the benefits they’ve been promised through systems and processes that have very modest administrative costs.

The Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds’ annual report on the financial status of these entitlement programs noted that Social Security is 100% solvent until 2033, and until that point, Congress has an opportunity to take action to supplement the reserves. These annual reports have been published for decades, and are generally recognized as the most credible, unbiased, and objective assessment of the financial health of these programs.

Pundants and observers have offered many likely remedies, should there be any sort of anticipated shortfall including the possibility of simply abolishing the current trust fund model, and paying for promised benefits by allocating appropriate government budgetary funds . Just as the government finances other promised benefits, like pensions and healthcare for retired government workers and military retirees, the government could also budget for social security disability benefits.